Thank you for booking your newborn session with me! I am so looking forward to creating beautiful images of your little one for you to cherish for a lifetime. Here is a little info on preparing for before and after our time together.
Before and During Our Session
Location: Newborn sessions take place in my studio located at 629 E Ogden Ave, Naperville, IL. Sessions can take up to 3 hours depending on baby.
Siblings & Family Images: I love creating these images so please come prepared to get infront of camera! I know post-partum is a difficult time for mamas to feel camera ready but trust me, you will want these images. I will capture beautiful images in flattering poses of you and your new little one.
If you are including little siblings, I HIGHLY recommend bring a support member that can drive them home afterward while you stay with your newborn. Three hours is a long time to sit and be quiet while we photograph baby alone. Some of my mommas use this time to make a grocery list for dad and the littles to accomplish while we finish.
Posing: I am a trained professional and take great pride in safety and your little one's comfort during our time together. Not every baby will do every pose and that is ok! We read their cues and they lead our session. If there is a pose that is as must have for you, please let me know and I will do my very best to accomplish this.
Pacifier & Feedings: I HIGHLY recommend bringing a pacifier to your session. We may use it, we may not. It does help comfort babies as we move through the poses and keeps them happy. Please bring one that is free from attachments (cords, animals, etc.)
Babies tend to snack A LOT during our time together so please be prepared for a few extra feedings. A fed baby is a sleepy baby and that is our goal for our session.
After Our Session
You are done with your session and excited for your images!
Your investment includes 25 digital images. You can purchase additional images for $25 per image or you may upgrade to include ALL of them for an additional $200.